Poem: (e)(g)(g)(s)

1 Conversation

Goal: not to move
The riddled corpse
Addicted to sunshine


Three pieces of congealed mucilage

Roll a thunderous boulder out my back side.
Again and again.

Repeat then

Purpose: find the transparent fundament of
The silent tornado
Twice twisted northward

A curved shape
And a marked stone

Neither short nor shallow
Rising nor descending
Leaving nor laughing
Forever and ever


Ingredients: Peace, wax, heat, odours, barking dogs,
a piece of celophane, a fragile child, a bull whip, yellow yarn, a third
index cards, fractions, negligence, hydraulic lingerie,
a choice of beverage, noble gasses, and more wax.


Sometimes knives dull.

Sometimes (e)(g)(g)(s) hatch.

Sometimes a soft tissue tethered tires.
Sometimes the smoldering love eel wears a rash.

Sometimes you feel like a nut.
Sometimes you don't.

You b*****d.

The End.

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