Directions to the Best Pickled Eggs in the Universe

2 Conversations

Find yourself in dire need of a pickled egg? Complete w/ the veggies and hot out of the jar? Fear not, ye wayward traveller. Get to Earth, North American Continent. Look for two of the five largest lakes on the continent, joined together to form a mitten-shaped mass between them and head for that region. Upon arrival, steer northwest from the mitten-shaped land mass, looking for a curving,thumb shaped peninsula, pointing approximately northeast, into the center of the Northern-most lake of the five. This is the Keweenaw Peninsula, approximately 90 miles along its longest axis. Bisecting the lower third of the peninsula is a canal, called the Portage canal. I know from high above, you can now see that placement of the canal implies the peninsula is actually an Island. To this observation, I msut retort that the canal used to end approximately 2 miles East of its present western entry into this large lake, Known as Superior, or Gitchegumi, to the local Ojibwa Indian tribes. It wasn't until roughly 45 years ago that an organization known as the USACOE, or United States Army Corps of Engineers, cut the canal all the way through. The peninsula's name stayed despite suddenly becoming an Island, but I digress...

To the remaining task at hand. Roughly situated midway along the canal are two villages, separated by a large, lift bridge. In one more aside, this bridge is thought to be the largest, working lift bridge in the world. Anyhooo, on the South shore of the canal, just one block West of the bridge, facing the water is a small, dumpy, dirty, dimly-lit bar known as "The B & B". THEY have the best damn pickled eggs in the universe. This fact can be verified by anyone who at least semi-regularly consumes pickled eggs and lives inside roughly a 150 mile radius of this establishment. Recently, the owner of this fine, classy establishment eliminated the obligatory and complimentary Tabasco Sauce. For a short period, the waitress offered her own bottle, until that practice too was banned by the owner. I can offer no explanation as to why, but do reccomend picking up your own bottle prior to entry and becoming one with the egg as it were.

Tabasco Sauce, unlike the B & B eggs, can be found at nearly any grocery in North America. Consumption of 4 or more of these eggs can lead to serious, painful and often embarassing intestinal complications, sometimes lasting 2 or more days...

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