My life as a Volunteer

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I got into volunteering when doing the Duke Of Edinburgh Award scheme at school.I volunteered at King's College Hospital for the Voluntary requirements of the programme. It all tailed off until I got to University where I started volunteering at my local theatre, the Warehouse Theatre in Croydon. I would help to sell programmes and ice creams during intervals and sometimes help with the Marketing.

I had always regretted not getting involved in theatre while I was still at school. So, as soon as I finished University, I joined a Croydon based theatre company, EXIT Theatre Co-op. That was in 2001 and I'm still a member. I've just taken part in my fifth play, "The Magician's Nephew" by C.S.Lewis from "The Chronicles Of Narina". Other productions I have appeared in include VOX DEI, based on a Dr Who story by Ian Wheeler, MASH, Terry Pratchett's LORDS AND LADIES and POPCORN by Ben Elton. For a production of MURDER ME ALWAYS, I kept a diary of the rehearsals, and for someone who studied English Literature, that is my most successful writing project to date, if you don't count the three articles I wrote for the NW Croydon Newsletter.

I am currently working at the British Museum and seem destined for a liftime in Culture and Heritage. While out of a Full Time job, I volunteered at the Handel House Museum. If anything it helped fill a gap in my CV. Now, alongside my Full Time job and doing Theatre, I am also volunteering at Somerset House, which is one of the best decisions I ever made. I helped at the Winter Ice Rink and one or two Educational Workshops and events. It helped me to make the decision to apply for a PGCE course to train to be a teacher, but that's another story.

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