A Conversation for Thomas

Alternative Writing Workshop: A13411009 - Thomas

Post 1


Entry: Thomas - A13411009
Author: langsandy - U4056622

what the hell . .

A13411009 - Thomas

Post 2

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

I dont liek the last line apart from that great. smiley - ok

A13411009 - Thomas

Post 3


why do you not like the last line -
you disappoint me - which of course
is OK but I am curious though that
still does not mean that you have
to answer me - cheers - langsandy

A13411009 - Thomas

Post 4


We all rage against our own particular God at some time or other, when we are feeling hurt or abandoned in times of our desperate need. He never rages back, always listens, and sometimes even 'answers' us in His own omniscient, omnipotent way!

There is little not to like in the last line!

A13411009 - Thomas

Post 5

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

It just doesnt fit to me

A13411009 - Thomas

Post 6

LL Waz

I've climbed a hill to yell from the top of it. Being me, it wasn't out loud of course. Still worked though.

This could read topically.


A13411009 - Thomas

Post 7


'downsky downsky' Different.

At first I thought you meant to say 'downski downski' before realising it wouldn't have made sense

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