A Conversation for Atendees for The Unofficial h2g2 Christmas Party 2004

Threaded in the lost

Post 1


Is this now the official information site?
Got totally lost in the coridors but it was a good fun walk.
Where are we meeting?
Is there a plan?
Unless an unforseen asteroid hits, boots will be a definite.
take care
PS Ben still not on list

Threaded in the lost

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - erm This is the atendee list page, It should link to the main meet page, I thought you were already on the list? smiley - erm current plan seems to be some people meeting up in shakespeers head High holborn during the day, whilst some seem to be edging towards the science museum in the afternoon, and then in the evening to Pentavilles oak taven or something I think it is called maybe smiley - erm
should be the actual meet page I think smiley - erm and who have i missed off? Ben? smiley - erm which one? smiley - biggrinsmiley - erm

Threaded in the lost

Post 3


Thanks for that will keep it somewhere safe...if I can work out how.
No I am on the list it's 'Ben which one' who isn't smiley - winkeye
take care

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