A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem
tree lives
watchfulmriduldas Started conversation Aug 16, 2006
Three Lives
Three lives,
One world;
Two poles,
Sunny morning to reddish evening,
Through the scorching noon;
Goes onward,
The search of food,
A search of life.
Lazy morning to intoxicate evening,
Through the tram line,
Goes onward the pleasure,
The search of desire,
A search of lusty life.
New morning to hopeful evening,
Through soul's satisfaction,
Goes onward the bliss,
The search of eternity,
A search of spiritual life.
The world moves,
The sun rises;
Everyday comes.
Some use,
Some abuse;
Others make it eternal.
Three lives,
One world;
Two poles.
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tree lives
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