A Conversation for The Aviators Home Page

AV already in the Guide

Post 1


I've been mooching about hootoo and found this Entry A1105426

Take a look. It seems we've already got our very own h2g2 Media Player set up! And just WHO is that doing the voice-over smiley - winkeye

AV already in the Guide

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit packing bags
"Not unlike I wrote before < F4758237?thread=3282453 > smiley - smiley"

AV already in the Guide

Post 3


Indeed, however they're from Undedited Guide Entries or Personal Spaces and produced by the Digital Village - whereas the Entry I've linked to looks like something produced specifically for and by h2g2 in its current state. smiley - smiley (I know there's older stuff, but the Edited Guide Entry mentioned appears to be fairly recent).

Just goes to show that getting AV up and running for the EG shouldn't be too difficult smiley - ok

AV already in the Guide

Post 4

Smij - Formerly Jimster

That was the wonderful Sam Semple, who went out to Monument and recorded that video himself back in 2003. He also did the video on the entry for the London Stone.

AV already in the Guide

Post 5


I knew there was another one that I'd seen, but couldn't recall what is was about! smiley - cheers

Is that the kind of thing that would be acceptable? IfOfficial AViators went out and recorded for EG Entries? Or is there a load of red tape preventing such action?

AV already in the Guide

Post 6


I'd also dearly love to see this kind of stuff again -


What's the likelihood of that?

AV already in the Guide

Post 7

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit browsing films and comic soups
"As show the new sister sites it is possible to use mulkti media in the current dna configuration."

AV already in the Guide

Post 8

Smij - Formerly Jimster

The basic Terms and Conditions that eevryone agrees to when they register includes music and video, so it should still be possible. And in fact, it would be possible to include links to YouTube if it involved appropriate content (ie, original content rather than stuff where the copyright clearly belongs to someone else).

AV already in the Guide

Post 9


But the thing about YouTube is that the videos are not in a permanent state - I've followed many a link only to see the message that the video has been removed by the creator. At least with h2g2-originated videos we could ensure that they'd remain on the servers.

AV already in the Guide

Post 10

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

*to reply to the first post*

I never knew it ahd is own media player.

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