Goyim! Goy I'm! Go Yim! G' Oy I'm!
Created | Updated Dec 23, 2003
Goyim! Goy I'm! Go Yim! G' Oy I'm!
White boy grows up in a culture full of white people busy running around being white and thinks nothing of it, except occasionally that this is kinda boring.
White boy grows up in a culture full of black people busy running around being white and thinks nothing of it, except occasionally that their music is a bit more entertaining.
White boy sees his first hispanic outside of the movies on the street one day when he is fourteen and says, "Wow, a Greek fellow!", because he had grown up around a few Greeks.
White boy goes to the Army and encounters a whole range of cultures he's only read about but never smelled before. Does a lot of thinking. Decides that while it is possible to find intelligence in people if you are willing to look for it, there are some kinds of fashionable stupidity that are just plain endemic to humans, regardless of culture or color, Armies being just one of them.
White boy grows up (yeah, I know. just bear with me) in a white church full of white people busy running around being white and thinks the whole thing is silly, because everybody knows that Jesus was a woman...