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Writing Workshop: A1319186 - Eva Meek: Passenger 3rd class

Post 1


Entry: Eva Meek: Passenger 3rd class - A1319186
Author: Speckly - newest groupie of a far from useless Hound. - U226818


smiley - orangefish

Writing Workshop: A1319186 - Eva Meek: Passenger 3rd class

Post 2


You are good. Very good. This is lovely. The youth comes through so sweetly and the innocence at the horror of it all and the position of the fear. All this with a cold? I am impressed!
take care

Writing Workshop: A1319186 - Eva Meek: Passenger 3rd class

Post 3


smiley - laugh I wish I could claim such talent. This was written a few years ago, sans cold.

Like a few of the others on here it was a timed assignment for an undergrad writing class. I do well with very short deadlines, 24 or 48 house is perfect for me. Sadly don't get to do those any more. It's one of the things I miss about being at uni full time. Somehow trying to set my own deadlines just isn't the same.

Thank you for the kind words, this little fish appreciates it.

smiley - orangefish

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Writing Workshop: A1319186 - Eva Meek: Passenger 3rd class

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