A Conversation for The Last Page

Your Comments Please

Post 41


Just popped in to say Hi.

I see you are finding you way around Uncle Sam - Feel free to pinch anything from my page you find useful.

All advertising on researchers pages whether you are taking part or not, would be appreciated.

Nonnie I don't think you can zip, well er not for long anyway.

Astro - Thanks for the reply on your page, I'll catcha there again soon.
vegismiley - smiley

Your Comments Please

Post 42

Uncle Sam

Do you have some nice formated thing I can swipe for the commercial I'll put on my page?

Your Comments Please

Post 43

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I've done just that - I stole Vegiman's logo and I'm promoting the Fun Run at the top of my page, all without asking permission (sorry veg!)

I felt bad about not participating in the first Fun Run, and I then felt especially bad about offering up an article for the third (or fourth) fun run before participating in the second. So I feel much better now. It was a lot of fun, but more importantly, a very useful tool to the h2g2 community. Any reason it hasn't been advertised on the front page? I think that is a shame.

*collapses from all the running*


Your Comments Please

Post 44


TV: Not on front page cause the PTWVH haven't put it there yet... though not for lack of asking. smiley - winkeye

Veggie: hush. smiley - winkeye

Your Comments Please

Post 45


I didn't say a word Nonnie

As for fron run adverting on home pages please try this:
thanks Vegimansmiley - smiley

copy from here, down: not this line


Critique Fun Run

The fun starts here on the

Your Comments Please Run 3

Post 46

Jimi X

Hi Veg! I jumped the gun (AGAIN) because I'll be on holiday Friday, Saturday and Sunday and you've got the basic structure already formulated so I went for it!

One suggestion, could you link to another Last Page as this one seems to be getting quite full?

Outside of this, I'd have to say, "Great Job!!" This continues to be a great service to all researchers and you should be commended!! smiley - smiley

I'm glad to see that you got the front page link! And I'll continue to keep my link up and running from my home!

Keep up the good work!! smiley - smiley

- Jimi X

Your Comments Please Run 3

Post 47


Hi - I am sorry for the Techno problems. You can now copy the HTML code to put at the foot of your page at:


or at Bruce's page - If you use bruce's page make sure you click on the button first - The last line should read

<-- To EDITOR - remove TO HERE

This will put the Fun Run logo and a text editor at the foot of your page which will post directely to your review forum - Please put this on your page as quickly as pos.

Thanks Vegimansmiley - smiley

Your Comments Please Run 3

Post 48

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Hi Vegiman, just finished Fun Run 3 and the standard of entries has to be up with the best ever submitted. The amazing thing is they will be even better at the end of the run when a bit of 'tweaking' is done.

By participting in these Fun Runs reviewers and the reviewed all learn something. Excellent work everybody. smiley - bigeyes

The text editor is a fine addition. Well done to those involved in creating it and making it available to us mere plebs. smiley - bigeyes

Your Comments Please Run 3

Post 49

The Wisest Fool

I fully agree with what Looney.. said above.
It's a damn fine job you're doing Vegiman.

Your Comments Please Run 3

Post 50


Thanks guys - I appreciate the support - I would like to do more but time does not allow.
vegimansmiley - smiley

Your Comments Please

Post 51


If you have requested to enter a page in the Fun Run - Please go to page:
Thank you vegsmiley - smiley

Your Comments Please Run 3

Post 52


Anyone who has applied to go into Fun Run 4 & 5 goto:
thanks vegimansmiley - smiley

Your Comments Please

Post 53

Researcher 93445

Good job, vegiman. It really wasn't all that much bother to critique that many articles (perhaps I read fast) and with luck the feedback will help make some of them into Guide entries. Thanks for doing the work to set up the mechanics.

I'd be more than happy to participate in a future Fun Run but I don't particularly have a favorite article to submit...if you get bored just pick a random one from the relatively huge stack at the bottom of my home page.

Your Comments Please

Post 54


Hi ffmike
On behalf of all who are taking part THANKS.

I do not have the time these days to look around and find new entrants to the run - I would love an article from you - but please - You Choose and post it here. Pref. one that has not been submitted yet.

vegimansmiley - smiley

Your Comments Please

Post 55


Well I did them all in a day .... So can I PLEASE have a T-Shirt.

It was fun with a great mix of articles.


Your Comments Please

Post 56


Hi C

Sorry I missed this Posting And thanks.

I have been busy on the POST hhtt://www.h2g2.com/u54963 and I am sorry to say I have been a little lax on the Fun Run.
Catcha soon

Your Comments Please

Post 57


Thanks. No worries. Oh and the Post is great!!!!


Your Comments Please

Post 58



(The URL chaser-fixer-upper smiley - winkeye)

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