Battle Creek, Michigan, USA

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Battle Creek is the County Seat of Calhoun County in Michigan with a population of roughly 53,364 citizens (according to the 2000 census).
It's total areas is 43.7mi. (113.1km) of which 1.92% (0.8mi) is water.

The total population of Battle Creek is 53,364 (according to the 2000 census) which is broken down into race as follows:

74.65% White/Caucasian

17.80% African American

  4.64% Hispanic/Latino

  1.94% Asian

  0.77% Native American

  0.01% Pacific Islander

  2.11% from other races

  2.72% from two or more races

35.9% of the population is under the age of 24, while 13.5% are senior citizens (65 or older).

The average household income is around $35,491 with males making approximately $10,406 more then females annually.

For every 9 men there are 10 women.

Out of the 21,348 households in Battle Creek, 32.3% of them children below the age of 18 living with them. 31.6% are individuals, and 12.1% have a person 65 years or older. The average family size is 3.04 and the average family size is 2.43. 10.7% of families fall below the poverty line (of which 17.5% are minors, and 11.8% are senior citizens).

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