Black Holes

1 Conversation

Black holes are celestial bodies that are characterized by enormous mass and very little illumination. Black holes are formed when very large stars collapse under the weight of their own gravity. This concentrates the mass of the star into a very small space, creating a powerful gravity field.

The gravity well surrounding a black hole is so large that light (or objects moving at the speed of light) are unable to escape at a point of proximity known as the "event horizon". Objects, or people who are unfortunate enough to enter the event horizon experience forces which are indescribable by conventional physics. There is no need to worry oneself about such complexities, however, as anything of substantial mass approaching said event horizon would be subjected to terribly violent forces which are quite describable by conventional physics and almost always fatal.

Some have speculated that the mysterious event horizon of a black hole is a doorway to another fantastic universe. Most simply agree that black holes really suck.

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