front page test
Created | Updated Mar 21, 2002
Our eager researchers never stop - when they're not stuffing the forums with happy banter, they're making pages to serve all kinds of crazy purposes. We'd ask them to stop and relax once in a while, but... we need the eggs.
- Vegiman's Critique Fun Run is long overdue for a mention on the front page, and provides a very useful service: providing an organised system for any researcher to assist in rating submitted entries, thus helping the sub-eds out no end. Brava, Mr Veg!
- Ginger The Feisty, nostalgiamaniac extraordinaire, is at it again: This time, she wants your favourite TV advertisement campaigns.
- If you're living in London, chances are you're probably thinking that none of the candidates for the post of Mayor are any good, and you know someone who'd be much better. Fortunately for you, Shazz's Virtual Mayor of London page is just the place to make your nomination. (Note: The front page would like to formally point out that, despite anything it may have said in the past, Shazz is most definitely female, and most gracefully forgiving as well. Thank you for your attention.)