Raymond E Feist

2 Conversations

Raymond E. Feist was born1 in Southern California and lives in San Diego.
He graduated with a BA in Communication Arts with Honours from UCLA in 1977, and is the author of sixteen books solo and a further six collaboratively, with his first book, Magician: Apprentice being published in 1982. With a further five Midkemia based books already in this great author mind, REF2 is set to become one of the most prolific authors in his genre. He was also among the Top 100 authors of the BBC's The Big Read3

Having divorced his wife, Kathryn Starbuck, REF enjoys vintage wines, expensive meals and beautiful 21 year olds.

The Works of Raymond E Feist

Midkemia Based Novels:


Rift War Saga: The earliest books set in Midkemia, the Rift War Saga tells the story of Pug and Thomas and their rise to power on the world of midkemia, and the vanquishing of the Tsurani first and then the Valheru. Prince Arutha and Jimmy the Hand, later Squire James, are heavily involved and become two of the most important characters to arise in REF's world.

Magician: Apprentice

Magician: Master


A Darkness at Sethanon

Rift War Legacy: Following on directly from the Rift War Saga, Arutha is now Prince of Krondor and Jimmy the Hand one of his most trustworthy retainers, even if a rogue and former thief, along with William, Pug's son and a member of the Royal Family. Jimmy and William are the main characters in this series along with the Prince, and features on the struggle between the crown and a mysterious agent known as The Crawler. The series is as yet unfinished and the remaining two books have not been contracted for.

Krondor: The Betrayal

Krondor: The Assasins

Krondor: The Tear of The Gods

Krondor: The Crawler (Not yet written)

Krondor: The Dark Mage (Not yet written)

Prince of the Blood: One of two stand alone mainstream books set on Midkemia. Boric and Erland, Prince Arutha's two eldest sons visit the Empire of Great Keash, along with Jimmy and we are introduced to a strange Isalani named Nakor who is to play a prominent role in ALL the future books.

The King’s Bucaneer: The second stand alone book follows the adventures of Prince Arutha's youngest child, Prince Nicholas, who was born with a clubbed foot. A classic coming of age story, where we are first introduced to the island continent of Novindus.

Serpent War Saga: The Second Rift War Series, this time focusing on the continent of Novindus, and set about 50 years in the future. Jimmy the Hand, now Duke James, plans to defend the Kingdom from the largest invasion in its history from the Pantathian Serpent People, with the help of two new major characters: Eric and Roo.

Shadow of a Dark Queen

Rise of a Merchant Prince

Rage of a Demon King

Shards of a Broken Crown

Conclave of the Shadows: The Third Riftwar Series focuses once more on Pug and the world of magic, although he did not play a large role in the only book published so far. This book, set some 50-80 years after the Serpent War Saga deals with the perpetual fight of good against bad, yet in new ways and in new lands.

Talon of the Silver Hawk

King of the Foxes (due for release November 2003)

Exile's Return (Not yet published)

Dark Empire (Not yet written)

Magician's Sons (Not yet written)


The Empire Series with Janny Wurts: Focuses on the race on the other side of the first Rift War, the Tsurani. A fascinating series, focusing on a politically driven fantasy world, where assisnation and murder are acceptable as long as it can't be traced and the forms are observed. One of the most enjoyable fantasy series ever written in my opinion, and very different from the usual fantasy genre.

Daughter of the Empire

Servant of the Empire

Mistress of the Empire

Legends of the Rift War: A series of books, all co-written with different people, set during the first rift-war. All individual stories with different characters and locations giving us a different insught into the world of Midkemia. Only Jimmy the Hand is based on a character already written about, but takes place in a new location with many new characters.

Honoured Enemy with William Fortschen

Murder in LaMut with Joel Rosenberg

Jimmy the Hand with Steve Stirling

Non-Riftwar based Novels:

Faerie Tale: When the Hastings Family, Gloria and Philip, and their eight-year -old twins, Sean and Patrick, and Philip's teenage daughter, Gabrielle, move into the house known to the locals simply as the old Kessler Place they are looking for a fresh start and they think they have found it in this dream like place. A dream that is until the day Sean and Patrick discover the secret of Fairy Woods and the luminous elfin beings who lure them into an unearthly world of ancient Celtic magic. For lokking closely at the the town records reveal it to be "Erl King Hill" - 'Hill of the Elf King' Suddenly, what was a dream has become a terrifying nightmare.


For any info on REF beyond what is written here I would recommend www.crydee.com, where you can also find a link to the mailing list which REF is subscribed to.
1He's somewher in his fifties but no info on date of birth2Raymond E Feist, its to long to be bothered with typing it every time!3Yes, sucking up to Auntie a little, but it can't hurt any

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