Rugby League Report

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Welcome to this week's Rugby Report

Well the end of the rugby season is here. There are six teams having a break before they get ready to train again - some with new players in their team - and there are six teams trying to get injured players fit to play again for the bigger prize of the season; The Grand Final. But, before they can think about that, the six need to be whittled down to two teams for the final. These are the teams going into the play offs:

1st Bradford Bulls

The Bradford Bulls have had a good season so far even when they
lost key players Robie Paul1, Nailer, Leon Price and Paul Decon.

2nd Leeds

The Leeds team didn't look like doing a thing this season after a poor start but pulled it together to hold the top spot for most of the season. A slump meant that the Bulls moved into 1st place and Leeds were left to battle for second with Wigan.

3rd Wigan

The Wigan young superstars have impressed me no end this season. Luke Robinson, to name but one, is a young man who you would think had
been playing for as long as Andy Farrel. Hit with injuries they had no choice really but to bring some of their young stars up.

4th St Helens

Everyone2 didn't think that they would make the play-offs this year. They have had more injury problems than any other team this season and had key players leaving St Helens for pastures new - or hanging their boots up. You do have to wonder
if they will be the sleeper out of the six or will they not have enough in the bank to make it to the final? Time will tell.

5th London

London have battled all season to try and make the last six and, for
the first time, are in the play-offs. But on their first run out on the big stage will they have the skills and be able to keep a check on the nerves to make the final? They have determination, thats for sure.

6th Warrington

They're in thanks to Hull loosing out to Leeds on Saturday. That meant that they had to win to claim the last spot that Huddersfield and Castleford both had their eye on

This is how the last games of the season finished

Friday 19th September

St Helens                18         Bradford                    22

Saturday 20th September

Hull                   12          Leeds                         28

Sunday 21st September

Castleford               16         Wigan                23
Warrington               52         Wakefield                12
Halifax               22         Widnes                48
London               22         Huddersfield                12

Rugby League Reports


25.09.03 Front Page

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1With a broken wrist.2Ok, me as well!

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