Jazz - Very Bad, Really

2 Conversations

I don't want to be accused of Trolling, but I sincerely despise Jazz. It seems to me that Jazz is,
"Here is a song. It's not a good song, but it's really complicated and technically difficult, and I can play it!"
Jazz is showing off the technical difficulty of a piece, even though it's not actually a good piece at all.
Jazz doesn't mean anything. It's an utterly, meaningless, devoid of emotion, but complicated, piece of music. It's music for the sake of music. Nothing else.
Perhaps I'm beign a bit hasty here. There are some elements of Jazz that I quite enjoy. This is just a tirade against the part of Jazz that will have a man getting the highest notes and a trumpet and playing a very complicated solo which sounds terrible, to the cheers of an audience. (?)
In the words of a fantastic book called The Commitments, Jazz is "Music for the sake of music." Even better, "Jazz is musical wanking."
That's my opinion, anyway. There are millions who disagree heartily with me, yes, and it is true that I live in Wangaratta, the Jazz Capital of Australia, but yet I still hold Jazz in contempt.
You're free to rip into me now.

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