A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

Challenge: Historical

Post 1

Kat - From H2G2

Not only is there no Industrial Revolution entry, there is none on The Doomsday Book. There MUST be some historically minded person out there!

Challenge: Historical

Post 2


There are plenty of historically minded folks. The Industrial Revolution is just boring smiley - tongueout (I think anway)

Doomsday Book is a good idea though. Someone else should definitely write that entry. I'd read it.

smiley - blacksheep

Challenge: Historical

Post 3

A. Honeybadger

Studied Industrial Revolution for 'O' level (and, yes it *was* boring! smiley - tongueout ) and I'm presently studying Domesday Book as part of my degree.

If no one's started on a Domesday entry by the time exams finish at the end of May I'll look into writing a guide entry for it, since it is a fascinating subject.

What about Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - is there already an entry on that?

Ancrene - drowning in revision

Challenge: Historical

Post 4


Doomsday Book? Anglo-Saxon Chronicle?

Gee, it's too bad there's no specialist on the Anglo-Saxon period around.smiley - sadface

smiley - winkeye

Challenge: Historical

Post 5

A. Honeybadger

Working on becoming one at the moment See you're already there, though. smiley - winkeye

Challenge: Historical

Post 6


The industrial revolution is only boring the way that it's taught at school, from a Marxist point of view it's fascinating.

Challenge: Historical

Post 7

Demon Drawer

What do you mean no expert on the Anglo-Saxon period around? Who ahs written up a number of the Anglo-Saxons Kings?

As for writting up the chronicles. That is a challenge.

Challenge: Historical

Post 8

Mrs Zen

The Industrial Revolution is fascinating!

In 100 years you go from technology which had been around for two or three millenia underpinning an essentially rural and mercantile society where communities and indeed individuals could be largely independent, to technologies which create the urban environment of dependent, de-skilled or finely specialised workers in which we all live in today.

Count 'em.

Two lifetimes!

How bloody amazing is that?


Challenge: Historical

Post 9

A. Honeybadger

It was probably the way it was taught, Ben, or it may just be that my preference is for social and political history rather than who invented what and when. If the emphasis had been more on the social effects rather than the who and when it might have interested me more.

I've said before the world would be a very dull place indeed if we all had identical interests and opinions; personally I'm glad we don't because it means there will always be new things for me to learn about and appreciate. smiley - smiley

Challenge: Historical

Post 10

Kat - From H2G2

I always thought the entire thing was amazing and shows just how the human race can jump and how we differ from other animals because of it. Oh and of course all the crappy nastiness it brought for many people.

B *wheedling voice* seeing as you think it's interesting...do you fancy doing something on it, or an aspect??

Challenge: Historical

Post 11

Mrs Zen

Well, done in full, it would be a whole University Project.

I haven't done anything about the Industrial Revolution in over 20 years, and I cannot remember much except what I posted there.

I could probably knock something up along the lines I've given, but I couldn't really do it justice. The Great Romantic Myth is languishing for lack of time, and that one didn't involve any research.

So, Kat, I don't think I can. There most be others. Try Gnomon!


Challenge: Historical

Post 12

A. Honeybadger

Is that the romantic myth that caused the Victorians to renovate medieval buildings and interiors because they didn't look "medieval" enough? smiley - wah

Challenge: Historical

Post 13

Mrs Zen

Well, that is another Great Romantic Myth - the one I was referring to is at A4068966.


Challenge: Historical

Post 14


Anglo-Saxon stuff is fun!smiley - biggrin Though I know very little about it, and so aside from the tiniest reading knowledge of Old English I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to help you out there.

I don't know much about the Industrial Revolution either, though I could probably do some research and help out with an entry or so if people are doing a Uni project.

If there was a project put together (or maybe this would be a good entry just on its own) how about an entry on the Industrial Revolution in literature? Dickens and that sort of thing?

smiley - dragon

Challenge: Historical

Post 15


I may put something together about the Domesday Book. We'll see smiley - ok

Challenge: Historical

Post 16

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Bob may be interested in this

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