A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: A Short Guide To Spotting British Trees**

Post 21

Icy North

Me neither. Scope and content is more important at this stage.

I guess you would first decide whether you want this to be a popular guide, or a botanical reference.

Maybe a short introductory article (we had a recent one on British Mammals which might be a good format to base it on), and then an article for each common UK tree or tree family?

No reason why you couldn't do a small number of these (5 or so), get it published, and then add others when the mood takes you - up to you, really. Just shout if I can help in any way - if you want me to pick up a couple of tree articles, or something...

smiley - cheers Icy

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: A Short Guide To Spotting British Trees**

Post 22


I have books here, but there are online references I collected for mbsn (the BBC's trashed Science & Nature area) too. Eg:
(English plants, including trees)

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: A Short Guide To Spotting British Trees**

Post 23


I suppose ideally, a popular guide with a peppering of botany. It wouldn't want to be so bogged down in taxonomy that only a botanist would be interested. I'll hammer out an overview page over the weekend.

There's a good list for reference here: http://www.british-trees.com/guide/home.htm

I think for starters though, best just go for the more common ones. Perhaps oak, holly, yew, hawthorne and rowan, or something.

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: A Short Guide To Spotting British Trees**

Post 24


There's also:

and once you've got your species name:

I've linked to a few other sites for specific tree topics over the time the dna sub-site was actually operating. Eg there are ones which are more about diseases or conservation or ...

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: A Short Guide To Spotting British Trees**

Post 25


I've put the first in this series into PR. Can I have one sleeve now and the rest later? smiley - biggrin

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: A Short Guide To Spotting British Trees**

Post 26

Skankyrich [?]

I've been planning one on hawthorns for a while, so I could get onto that if it would be any help smiley - ok

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: A Short Guide To Spotting British Trees**

Post 27

The H2G2 Editors

I'm following this with great interest. I'm very proud of you all. I was particularly ribbed in-house you see, for initially suggesting you write an entry on How To Spot Trees.

'It's easy. Look, there's one over there! And there! Big woody green things. Can't miss 'em.'

But we're getting there now. I love trees. King Bomba, Icy North, SEF, skankyrich, thank you. smiley - ok

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: A Short Guide To Spotting British Trees**

Post 28


Go for it Rich, the hawthorn's your oyster!

My next one is going to be holly. I'm using this as a handy list, although I'm not necessarily promising an entry on *every* one! smiley - smiley

My plan at the minute is to start with the ones people are probably most familiar with - holly, oak etc., and just work on.

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: A Short Guide To Spotting British Trees**

Post 29


Sorry, that should have been

I'm using this http://www.british-trees.com/guide/home.htm as a handy list.

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: A Short Guide To Spotting British Trees**

Post 30

Skankyrich [?]


In review now. Sorry to be so tardy about this.

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