Pepsiloor IV

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Pepsiloor IV is a must-visit for any beginning humanoid hitchhiker for two reasons. First, the predominant lifeforms are reassuringly humanoid, possessing the familiar numbers of appendages, heads, and moronic opinions. They are also extremely stupid, allowing visitors to experience an almost Godlike feeling of wisdom as they wander the streets cheerfully amazing the natives with the ability to conjugate irregular verbs and shortchanging shopkeepers.

The second reason for visiting this otherwise innocuous planet is that its towels are unsurpassed in the Theta 42 Epsilon Sector. They are lightweight, absorbent, and can fold down to fit in your pocket. These towels are made from the hair of the TRUE dominant species, fuzzy purple creatures about the size of a large rabbit or a small ox. The hair from these creatures is trimmed and woven by the ignorant human slaves, essentially making them nothing more than hairdressers. Visitors from the planet Earth will find this particularly familiar.

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