A Conversation for Greylags

Alternative Writing Workshop: A12855594 - Greylags

Post 1


Entry: Greylags - A12855594
Author: langsandy - U4056622

got this off to the wrong place - hope this corrects that - Greylags meant for Alternative Writing Workship - sorry

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 2

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

arent greylags geese smiley - huh

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 3


Anser : anser

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 4

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

smiley - erm

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 5

LL Waz

That’s beautiful. Really is. Particularly the second part. Cool word choices - love all those d’s in the middle).

I find the effect of single word lines difficult to understand. I ignore them reading through and that works. But if I imagine it with out them, it doesn’t work as well. It’s a bit like learning to see those 3D pictures that only appear when you don’t focus properly.


(PS miraculousrandomness, yes, they are. Don't you see them in this?)

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 6

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

yes It just seems a strange name for a goose

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 7

LL Waz

Nearly as strange as Anser anser. Which google annoyingly changed to answer answer.

From googling, having insisted on the 'wrong' spelling, there's a suggestion that Greylag is because it's one of the latest to migrate. Making it the grey goose that laggs behind. Don't know if it's true, but it's a neat idea. I like it.

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 8

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

I like neat ideas

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 9


shorter oxford english 1936 confirms meaning - I like your wallow
- will visit now and then - in Shrewsbury, have you heard the clock sprinkle its quarters on the sleeping town

typography must have a place in how we look at print - imagine
reading poetry in black letter or Old English caps - how beautiful
the oriental scroll - the caligraphy of the Book of Kells - the difference between Gill Sans & Garamond - the emphasis of a line
by itself - a title for instance.

ardea cinerus [latin for langsandy]

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 10

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

smiley - erm

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 11


smiley - smooch

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 12

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

smiley - erm

I wonder wether I have lost all facial expressions except smiley - ermsmiley - grrsmiley - huh and smiley - evilgrin

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 13


there should be one for shuteye - its past your bedtime

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 14

Blue Bird

Waz called my attention to read your poem. Certainly is nice, short and clever. ( I like that)
Though your English is very high class for me, because where I live in America they speak a different English. Where I was born they did not speak English, so I hope you understand.
The grey is OK, guess lag means goose.? smiley - smiley I am Blue Bird so I must know something about feathers.
Waz sent me some photo from these birds. Perhaps they are in between geese and ducks. smiley - biggrin Than the name lag must be proper. I never saw them here -yet. smiley - tit

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 15


dr bb of happiness, 'grey' means 'grey goose' - 'lag' means
to fall behind - ie : Greylags are the last species of goose
to migrate [to leave] - you will not find them in the Americas
- enjoy your 4th of July

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 16


A lovely poem, langsandy.

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 17


it depends upon a literary conceit, the short metaphor,
a device I use to get around the stigma of vers libre - not
always sucessful and a long time in developing - I'm pleased
you like it - what, I boldly inquire, is your forte - cheers

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 18

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

their is a shuteye amiley smiley - zzz

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 19


shows I can still intuit which means I don't have to pinch myself
to know you are awake - & what's with the camouflage - you must be
VERY young as there are no neater ideas than hydrogen bombs - take
a look at a dragonfly or a honeybee if you don't believe me - &
apart from being bored out of your skull - what's your metier - are
you a grey one left behind

A12855594 - Greylags

Post 20

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

smiley - erm

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