A Conversation for (Dr.) Hunter S. Thompson: A short appreciation

Gonzo Journalism

Post 1

Manic Mechanic

You say that Hunter refered to Fear and Loathing as the most accurate example of Gonzo and then say but he admitted it wasn't all true. The point I think you have missed is that this is an essential part of Gonzo, and as such is a confirmation of the Gonzoness of the story. As it happens Hunter has also said that F & L was a failed attempt at Gonzo (You gey used to it. It's the nature of the beast) That's not to say I don't like the entry: I think It's great. I just think the definition of Gonzo you have needs adding something Hunter himself has often said about it. That he was influenced by William Faulkner's idea that the best fiction is truer than the facts .(I can't find the exact quote at the moment as I lent nearly all my HST books out at the moment. I will post it soon.) I think it has something to do with the fact that to get across the real picture he uses an extreme form of imagery. He manages to cut through the polite veneer of a person/organisation/situation and reveal the raw under belly and guts of what's behind it all. (Generally the harsh reality of true human nature.) That and all the drugs of course.

Gonzo Journalism

Post 2


Perhaps the real truth gets lost behind facts. There are so many things is this life that lose the emotional sensation by the time they hit the paper so perhaps it's more true if you write to reflect this than if you simply chronical the events. Besides, it's a hell of a lot more interesting. Viva Gonzo!

Gonzo Journalism

Post 3

Manic Mechanic

Yeah, Viva Gonzo.
I've just heard a rumour that Hunter was supposed to be going to my local tonight! (Now it gets even more fanciful, as he was supposed to be with Ken Kesey!) Even though this seems like it must be rubbish, I have to check it out. The pub has long since called last orders, but if either of them where there they must still be in the U.K somewhere.
Does anyone know the current whereabouts of either of these fine gentlemen????????
Heard any news about any sort of public tour or other travels??????

Gonzo Journalism

Post 4


Cool, well Kesey I can believe. He often does readings of his prose, poetry and reminisces on his life. He was here, Dublin Ireland, around 6 months ago, unfortunatly I didn't get to see him. Some of my mates here at work went to it and said it was great.

Gonzo Journalism

Post 5

Manic Mechanic

I got ot all figured out. Anyone who wants enlightening about all things to do with smiley - smiley KEN KESEY smiley - smiley will find it at www.intrepidtrips.com
I love it!!!! smiley - smiley

Gonzo Journalism

Post 6


The problem with the definition 'gonzo journalism' is that it's been hijacked by the ill-informed and the thinly-read to mean little more than crazy, drug-fuelled, alcoholic journos writing about their trips.

Gonzo journalism was around a long time before HST arrived on the scene, it just didn't have a name until then. Well actually it did, it was called 'The New Journalism' and was a reaction to the stoic, unattatched, objective journalism practiced by newspapers pre-Vietnam. A good history is Tom Wolfe's book of the same name which is not only filled with some first rate examples of such writing, but also contains a fine series of essays on the subject and details its beginnings.

Gonzo journalism, basically, should be viewed as anything in which the reporter has a voice. Anything in which you are not just given the facts, but a researched and educated opinion (or even an ill-thought out opinion, in fact. Anything that offers a view basically). The "If the story is dull, become the story" ethos is just a part of it. There has to be a point to it all, a message worth hearing behind all the ranting.

A fine example of modern day gonzo is The Demonic Comedy by Paul William Roberts. It's an account of life in Baghdad before, during and after the Gulf War and a finer view of what life is really like there and the reasoning behind the events in the region I've yet to read. It even has some alcohol and drug fuelled exploits to keep the surface skimmers happy.

Gonzo Journalism

Post 7

Vlad the Incompetent

I read a review by Paul T. Riddell - http://www.hpoo.com on HSTs 'Better than Sex', where he mentions that the Thompson zeal of true Gonzo is to 'Fictionalise events so that nobody can tell what is the real story and what is the tell tale' - something that F&L matches extremely well.

Gonzo Journalism

Post 8


I couldn't believe that the film was so good, but then I realised it's because they had dirty big chunks of dialogue lifted straight from HST.

Why was Hunter the only well known Gonzo journalist? Who else is out there?

Gonzo Journalism

Post 9


I can't find Paul William Roberts anywhere. F**k.

Gonzo Journalism

Post 10


I'm presuming you're in the U.K.? I had to order my copy via Borders in London (I'm sure any decent bookshop should be able to find it). have you tried searching on Amazon?


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