A Conversation for Furry


Post 1


D'y'know what? I was just thinking to myself a few days ago "there's no article here on furries!", and so I wrote one myself. We must've posted them at pretty much the same time. Well, actually I posted a conversation on the H2G2 Natural History Museum to see if anyfur wanted to help me write one, because I'm still fairly new to the whole furry thing... But no one replied. I started thinking I was the only fur on H2G2...

Anyway, my article is at A716889. It'd be great if you could help me out a bit, mabey we could get it into the Edited Guide...

If you're interested, reply to this message. Or make a discussion on my article. Or at My Space. Whatever.

smiley - hsif


Post 2

SmartGamer, Keeper of That Which Breaks Down Easily [(11*5)-(4*2+5)=42] (Scout)

Yours is YEARS more recent, Scaryfish. It's also, in my opinion, a better resource.

Sadly, it seems that Konig has vanished without a trace- looks to be about when h2g2 switched over to being with the BBC. That would explain why you couldn't find this- as "Legacy" content, it would not show up until the Mods got around to aproving it- which could have been a while.

I'd love to work with you on the topic, however...

--SmartGamer, therianthropic ACE (look it up)

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