A Conversation for Alexander James Jude Lynn, 7th - 20th September 1998

Jim, Thanks

Post 1



I hope this acted as a catharsis for you. I know the poem I wrote after my sons death did for me. I had tears in my eyes as I was reading this. I'm still a bit choked now

My son was prononced dead the day before he was born (on 39th week of pregnancy). There was nothing obvious and it hurts like hell.

I hope you and your wife talked all the way through this, because that is the only way, and it would have been so much worse if we hadn't

I still cannot get over the size of the coffin as it went through the crematorium curtains for the last time. I cannot imagine what you and your wife felt because you held Alexander, and I hope there is an afterlife, so Alexander can play with Ciaron and we'll all meet again.


Jim, Thanks

Post 2


Many condolences from a same experiencer. It's a hard journey that takes some endurance. We'll all meet again I'm certain of it. People are never fully lost .smiley - biggrin

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