A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat


Post 1

Matthew Kershaw

Did you know you do not have exclusivity to your username ?

Did you know others on-site can readily copy ALL the information on your homepage, guide entries and journals ? Indeed, the editors have a facility whereby they actively encourage it.

Someone else can effectively set themselves up as you and go around besmirching your good name if they so desire under the current site policy, and because the site holds copyright over EVERYTHING you have ever posted from approved guide entries, user guide entries, journals, forums, your username to your homepage. You have no substantive grounds to complain…

Did you know if you use some of your ideas developed here off-site you run the risk of being sued for breach of copyright ?

Did you know that the 'non-exclusive' copyright they you may have thought protected your copyright rights, in fact means that no other potential publisher is likely to accept your work because most only accept material which they can have 'exclusive' copyright over ?

So if you wish to some day use some of your ideas generated here you effectively have to think years ahead. Otherwise you might end up like Douglas Adams who has some of his Doctor Who material in a state of limbo because he re-interrupted some of the ideas in later work.

Did you know the editors have the right to sell your material in any form whatsoever ?

The fact is they have to right to use your material in any form they desire. In the terms they have the ability to 'modify' your work. Meaning you could well be misrepresented as a matter of course without an effective method to complain. In fact, the H2G2 copyright holders have the ability to make money off your works long after you are gone.

Did you know the editors reserve the right to change site policy ?

The fact is at any time the editors can effectively ban you by making up whatever rules they so desire to exclude you, you have no recourse whatsoever.

Did you know that homepages, forums and journals are widely available elsewhere on the web absolutely free of charge and without such restrictive copyright clauses ?

The simple fact is that H2G2 operates on the goodwill the works of Douglas Adam's creates. There are many other communities on the web that don't place such all pervasive restrictions upon your work.

Did you know there are many places on the web who value your hard work and creative skills ?

The fact is that if you look hard enough, there are organisations on the web that will pay you for your research and writing skills, even if you fall into the amateur class.


Why don't you have any rights ?

Because you were never asked, or included in the process. So they set the criteria solely for there own exclusive benefit.

What's in it for me you may well ask ?

At the moment, kudos of writing for the guide… and stuff you would get elsewhere for nothing anyway.

All is not lost however, you do have some power. The power of numbers.

Please make sure you sign the 'Right to Have Rights Petition over at…


…and see if we can change the guide for the benefit of all.


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