A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
Don't Panic Foram Too
vegiman:-) Started conversation Jun 8, 1999
Continued from The: welcome To The Dont Panic Foram
Don't Panic Forum Too
vegiman:-) Posted Jun 8, 1999
Hi Flipwinky did you get here. It wouldn't be so bad if only I could spell forum corrrrrrectly. A mistake that will go down in history and never to be forgooootten Blush Blush
Don't Panic Forum Too
Gimli Posted Jun 16, 1999
How do I get all those funky symbols? You know the ones I talking about, the smiley faces and all that. Please help me!!!!!
Don't Panic Forum Too
vegiman:-) Posted Jun 16, 1999
Just click here:-
and your question will be answered
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Don't Panic Foram Too
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