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What is happening here Peta ?
TowelMaster Started conversation Aug 9, 2000
Hi Peta,
Just a couple of questions about this Peer-thingy.
1. Is is true that, once an entry has been rejected, it will be moved to the end of the queue again when I resubmit the improved version ? Thus taking another couple of months to get through the whole process ?
2. Who is credited for an article, if anyone is ? Scouts, Sub-eds, author...? All of them ?
3. What do you think is the average wait-time between the moment that the article is subbed and the moment that it is either rejected or accepted ? Or for that matter ; what is the average wait-time between the moment that a 'Scout' spots the article and the moment of rejection or acceptance ?
What is happening here Peta ?
TowelMaster Posted Aug 9, 2000
Sorry, the pc just went haywire(MS Blindows with Exploder, what do you want ).
Anyway : Am I right in assuming that an entry that has the status of 'pending' made it through to the people at the towers for final approval ?
As I have not yet had any entry approved I may be asking you something obvious but ; why does the pending entry have a new Axxxxxx-number ? Is that always the case ?
Thanks in advance,
BTW : did you hear about the date for the dutch meet yet ?
What is happening here Peta ?
Jimi X Posted Sep 19, 2000
Hey TM, did you ever get an answer to your questions?
If it is pending, it's nearly made it. The Subeditor gets credit for editing it, you get credit for writing it. The new A-number gives it a home in the Edited Guide, leaving the original version on your personal space.
I can't remember any of your other questions, but if you address them in Editorial Feedback, I'm sure they'll all be answered.
- X
What is happening here Peta ?
TowelMaster Posted Sep 19, 2000
Hello X,
Nope, didn't get a response on this until now. Thanks for the input.
I will check the Editorial Feedback page later on.
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What is happening here Peta ?
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