A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
I'm not him!
Yeliab {h2g2as} Started conversation May 26, 1999
Hi - I'm not Yeliab - my user name is Sam Clemens, but ever since clicking a link that yeliab placed on an entry (which included the key code) h2g2 has thought I was him. Can I get back my own identity?
I'm not him!
Yeliab {h2g2as} Posted May 26, 1999
Well. I am him actually. I am Yeliab (Nicholas Bailey). This is very wierd as Sam's entery (above) has come up on my page. Sorry Sam.
I'm not him!
Jim Lynn Posted May 26, 1999
Find the email that you originally received on registering and click on the link again, or just click on the link on the front page to register again - it will keep your existing account if you use the same email address. You can do this at any time without any ill effects.
By the way, where was the link you clicked on?
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I'm not him!
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