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Powers That Be 'fix-it' Request

Post 1

Zach Garland

I goofed.

Could someone in power please delete the contents of 74594 and 74602? These are failed attempts to make what ended up successfully being 74611.

http://www.h2g2.com/P74611.html is correct, and the one I wish to keep. 74594 and 74602 are inaccessible to me, otherwise I would go in there, delete the contents and replace them with something else. I'm not asking you to delete the page. I don't believe you can or want to do that. However, attempts to access http://www.h2g2.com/P74594.html or http://www.h2g2.com/P74602.html either to edit or view fail because I goofed up on the html and the machine doesn't know what to do with it. http://www.h2g2.com/P74611.html is fixed and at last check is functional. I took out some of the graphics I was using and redid the html formatting so that h2g2 wouldn't hurl when someone tried to access it.

Again, please keep http://www.h2g2.com/P74611.html but delete the contents of http://www.h2g2.com/P74594.html and http://www.h2g2.com/P74602.html

And I apologize for making a mess of things. Thanks for your time.

Powers That Be 'fix-it' Request

Post 2

the potter

Dear Powers (or should I call you Mr ToBe?), To save me (and Zachsmind) repeating myself, please could you refer to the H2G2 New Users conversation "Technical Support Request"? Pleeeeeeeeeease!

Powers That Be 'fix-it' Request

Post 3

Zach Garland

Oh, Holly! They took care of this. Actually I think Jim Lynn actually did the fingertapping. Thanks for your help though. =)

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