A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
I'm watching.....
Possum Started conversation Jun 3, 2000
I am making an ANNOUNCEMENT.
The h2g2 front page is a LIAR, a THEIF and a MURDERER.
(well, okay, not the last two....)
I've been watching that space for the last twenty three and a half hours - and nothing has happened! Why does it tell us to "watch this space" and then keep us hanging on, like fools, forever doomed to watch and wait?
I'm watching.....
Princess_Cimorene Posted Jun 4, 2000
You can say that again!
The front page should SAY what it MEANS!
Or MEAN what it SAYS.... which isn't at all the same, but frequently has the same effect....
I'm watching.....
Scobieman Posted Jun 5, 2000
Ah..... but if you work in the solvent factory all day (like me)and then watch the screen lots of things happen.
I'm watching.....
Possum Posted Jun 8, 2000
Oh, right then, it DID change....
Sorry h2g2 front page...you're not a LIAR...it was a big mistake...
Am I forgiven?
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I'm watching.....
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