A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
Possum Started conversation May 27, 2000
Yet again, I'm posting in every one of the top five miscellaneous chat forums!
I rule the Miscellaneous Chat Arena! Yes!
Well, maybe you could substitute "rule" for "contribute rather too much to..." and you might be nearer the mark.
Anyway, why am I here? I did have a reason, but I got side tracked in my excitement....
Oh, yeah, that's right. Something has just confused me. There are two signs on the wall nearby. One of them says "SWITCH OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONE. CONSIDER OTHERS WHO ARE TRYING TO WORK". But the next one along says "IF YOU MUST USE YOUR PHONE, AT LEAST GO OUTSIDE TO TALK."
This maketh no sense. Do they want our mobile phones to be off, or on, or outside, or what?
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