A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
Is it just me...
88425 (...older, and yet LESS wiser...???) Started conversation May 22, 2000
..or does the EYESTORM banner at the top of the page REALLY slow things down?
Is it just me...
Mac (Keeper of indecision) Posted May 23, 2000
I agree...its beginning to get on my nerves as well...
Is it just me...
Metal Chicken Posted May 23, 2000
I agree too! Things are slow enough as it is around here without adding a banner ad that adds an extra 3 minutes (at least) to every page download. I'm sure it's a great site but I know about it now! Why can't we go back to the mountain gorillas ad?
Is it just me...
Martin Harper Posted May 23, 2000
[Broken link removed by Moderator] and solve all your woes....
(ok, so the blank blue space can look a little dull at times....)
Is it just me...
Metal Chicken Posted May 23, 2000
Is there a typo here? Your link is just getting me to an error page, I'm afraid.
Is it just me...
Martin Harper Posted May 23, 2000
grrr... it included an extra comma, randomly....
it's free for the first 30 days, then it stops filtering. There's a bunch of others out there too, this is just the one that I use, and it seems to work pretty well, so.... *shrug*
Is it just me...
88425 (...older, and yet LESS wiser...???) Posted May 24, 2000
Sounds like a wonderful idea, unfirtunately my system doesn't let me do these things.
I'll just have to go on complaining and cursing to myself. Ho-hum.
88428 (...and it just got bigger and bigger!)
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Is it just me...
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