A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

-=>Please Read NOW!<=-

Post 1


I wanna log in and write stuff at school, so can I just go the the place I did to complete registration in my e-mail or does that irriversably destroy my account. Please tell me!! I'm panicing!!!!!

-=>Please Read NOW!<=-

Post 2

Jim Lynn

Don't panic. Yes, you can use the URL that you originally used to complete your registration and you can be yourself on another computer. However, be careful because when you leave the school computer, it will still think it is you, so the next person to visit the site from that computer will appear to be you.

If you're technical, you might be able to delete the h2g2.com cookie that we sent, thus erasing your personality from the computer, but you should only try that under trained supervision.

-=>Please Read NOW!<=-

Post 3


Oh thankyou thankyou thankyou! Don't worry about *privacy*! No-body ever uses it exept ME and teachers!!!!

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