A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Forum bug...

Post 1

Lord Kenja

Hmmm... I WOULD prefer if there was some email addy I could send a problem like this to. Then I would be likely to get a polite responce from someone stating that they would look into it. And I could then flame that person is something failed to happen. Oh well. Anyway here's the problem:

It seems that the forum tree code contains a bug that courses the pices of graphics shown to get a 'border' tag without a value. That - in turn - seems to hit a bug in IE 4.5 for Mac (haven't tested it anywhere else). Making pices of the tree graphic get borders and mess it all up. So if you could please adjust the code to make it 'border=0' everything should be fine.

Thank you...

Forum bug...

Post 2

Lord Kenja

Oops. It acturlly also happens in the other frame of the forums. The buttons (forward and backwards) also show this behavior.

Forum bug...

Post 3

Jim Lynn

Thanks for the report. We'll fix it as soon as we can.

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