A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
An exciting start
Researcher5 Started conversation Nov 4, 1999
For all the caveats this was good to see.
An exciting start
beeline Posted Nov 7, 1999
Great stuff. There's some serious catalogue work to be done now - or is there?!
How about adding an "I'm Feeling Lucky" button at the top that just brings up a random page or forum?
An exciting start
Mark Moxon Posted Nov 8, 1999
Glad you like it. And there'll eventually be more buttons there than you can safely handle...
An exciting start
Bruce Posted Nov 9, 1999
I seem to be able to get into enough trouble with only one or two buttons
BTW I'm thinking of running a sweep on what Mood, Trust & Quality ratings my internationally renowned Vomit-O-Matic entry will achieve.
Can I interest anyone in tickets?
An exciting start
beeline Posted Nov 9, 1999
Considering its Net pedigree, perhaps you should change the name to Vomit-E-Metic. Aythenkyou.
I'll put 20 notes on a rating involving some or more of the words "this", "never" and "chunks".
An exciting start
wingpig Posted Nov 16, 1999
Some slightly weird categories but nonetheless an exciting development. Where are the quality ratings going to come from? How about categories for pubs/restaurants, interesting shops, places of touristic interest, campsites, metaphysical constructs and so forth? For items such as this might it be possible to created a 'visited by' section, with a link to the opinion of the researcher involved if they found the time to write one? The rate of increase of shininess is itself increasing. All that needs to happen now is for the price of PDAs to decrease dramatically.
An exciting start
Anonymouse Posted Dec 13, 1999
Just out of curiosity... Will intro pages eventually make it into their own category? Would make it lots easier for searching for a particular researcher.
Curious choice of catagories...
Smiley Ben Posted Dec 26, 1999
Is there any reason that most of the current catagories are subjective things. It is indeed a great start, but surely there are some much simpler, objective catagories that could make searching much much easier.
For example, catagorisation for parts of speech - if I'm searching I'll almost certainly know whether I'm looking for a noun, verb, adjective, etc., and within those catagories if I could request a thing, place, abstract idea, for example, it could make searching very quick indeed.
...or how about length of articles, so I can read short ones when I don't have much time, and save longer ones for a later date to savour with a cup of tea...
Curious choice of catagories...
Wanderer Posted Jan 2, 2000
i would like to see a seperate section for travelers so if your sobering up pretty quickly, you can find a good bar fast without all the search mumbo-jumbo
Curious choice of catagories...
wingpig Posted Jan 11, 2000
I assume people are onto it. After all, the PTB have the same human needs as the rest of us and are perfectly placed to design search/categorisation mechanisms that, when our GPS-capable WAP devices have the word "pub" entered into them provide a short list of all pubs within five minutes' walk that sell our prerecorded favourite ales and feature at least two songs by a band we like on their jukebox. We can leave the bosses to do this whilst we continue to ensure that the articles contain information worth categorising. No-one was expecting absolute-time forum labelling so it'd be fair to expect more nice surprises in other areas.
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An exciting start
- 1: Researcher5 (Nov 4, 1999)
- 2: beeline (Nov 7, 1999)
- 3: Mark Moxon (Nov 8, 1999)
- 4: beeline (Nov 8, 1999)
- 5: Bruce (Nov 9, 1999)
- 6: beeline (Nov 9, 1999)
- 7: Jimi X (Nov 9, 1999)
- 8: wingpig (Nov 16, 1999)
- 9: Anonymouse (Dec 13, 1999)
- 10: Smiley Ben (Dec 26, 1999)
- 11: Wanderer (Jan 2, 2000)
- 12: wingpig (Jan 11, 2000)
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