A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
Violent Technical Problem!
Slug Started conversation Jul 29, 1999
I think I've broken something.
Every h2g2 page I open (entries, forums, etc) I get a JavaScript Error telling me that "ad1 is not defined". For example, the main page alert tells me that
"JavaScript Error: http://www.h2g2.com/, line 372:
ad1 is not defined."
Now I don't know whether this is down to my usual incompetence or even the computer taking a dislike to me, but it is bloody annoying and any help would be greatly appreciated by old puddin' head here.
Thanks in advance.
Violent Technical Problem!
Slug Posted Jul 29, 1999
Uh - don't worry anymore; someone much cleverer than me has fixed the problem, probably without resorting to violence or weeping. Cheers.
Even Violenter Technical Problem!
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Jul 30, 1999
I have a worse one. My home page has disappeared!
Even Violenter Technical Problem!
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Jul 31, 1999
It's back again...thanks Jim.
Even Violenter Technical Problem!
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Aug 3, 1999
Sorry Jim. I seem to have done it again.
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Violent Technical Problem!
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