A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

well hello

Post 1

Manic Depressive

So this is the idle chit chat section of h2g2. Strange that I thought it was in all the pages.you see I see chit chat as an infectious disease one minute you're writing something perfectly sensible like "So this is the idle chit chat section of h2g2" And the next you're blabbering on about talk being a disease!Ok so I'm off to see wether my sanity has been handed in at lost property yet. see ya.
P.S. I thought hackers was quite good.

well hello

Post 2


FOUND:1 sanity (unused) would the owner like to collect it or should i send it on??

Thank You V. muchly.

Post 3

Manic Depressive

Well thank you for finding my sanity!!!
I've been searching for 17 long years for it and you've found it in about 2 hours!!!

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