A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
Argument Forum 2
The man in the shack Started conversation Jul 19, 1999
Welcome to argument forum 2: the revenge of D'oh!
The original argument forum is now too large and takes too long to load, which cuts down on valuable arguing time.
So just to kick off, I totally disagree with what I've just said.
Argument Forum 2
The man in the shack Posted Jul 19, 1999
Everything I ever say is a lie, including what I've just said.
Argument Forum 2
Jax Posted Jul 19, 1999
Here I am, I'm exhausted - yes I am - I started arguing in Forum 1, Now I am in Forum 2 and I have decided that everything The Man in the Shack says is absolutely true and everything anyone else says is garbage.
By the way, does the Man in the Shack have a 6 Pack?
Argument Forum 2
The Duke of Dunstable Posted Jul 19, 1999
If he says he's always lying, it can't be the truth. But then again, can we trust him of telling the truth when he says he's always lying? As to not make things confusing, let's just automatically suppose he's lying about that to and then sit back and enjoy a conversation with such an honest fellow.
Argument Forum 2
Jax Posted Jul 19, 1999
Whatever - but you have to be wrong, because he is always right and you aren't him so therefore because I can only believe him that means I can't believe you. You tell me I have to assume he is lying, I can't assume anything from you sorry.
Argument Forum 2
Jax Posted Jul 19, 1999
Where is everyone? Do this mean I am right if so, the Man in the Shack has won the Argument Forum - end of!
Aren't we supposed to just contradict people?
The man in the shack Posted Jul 19, 1999
Everything I've ever said is a lie, including what I just said.
Which must mean I'm lying about being a liar, which is obviously a lie. This is all true. Except it isn't.
Please do not beleive a word of the above.I was lying.
Aren't we supposed to just contradict people?
Dizzy the Void Posted Jul 19, 1999
No you weren't. Anyway, does NE1 here know any programming languages? See my personal user page for details.
Aren't we supposed to just contradict people?
The man in the shack Posted Jul 20, 1999
Yes, I was. And don't change the subject.
Aren't we supposed to just contradict people?
Researcher 50128 (and Proud of it) Posted Jul 20, 1999
"I am, therfore, I amn't"
Aren't we supposed to just contradict people?
The Duke of Dunstable Posted Jul 20, 1999
Yes, you are. Of course you are.
Aren't we supposed to just contradict people?
The man in the shack Posted Jul 20, 1999
Excuse me....I said EXCUSE ME,
Are you listening now?
YES HE IS!!!!!
Aren't we supposed to just contradict people?
Dizzy the Void Posted Jul 20, 1999
Does anyone know how to make programs that use 3D? See my user page for details. Quite a lot of them in fact.
Aren't we supposed to just contradict people?
Researcher 50128 (and Proud of it) Posted Jul 21, 1999
No, I amn't
Aren't we supposed to just contradict people?
The Duke of Dunstable Posted Jul 21, 1999
Of course you bleedin' well are! Now, stop that nonsense
Key: Complain about this post
Argument Forum 2
- 1: The man in the shack (Jul 19, 1999)
- 2: The man in the shack (Jul 19, 1999)
- 3: Dizzy the Void (Jul 19, 1999)
- 4: The man in the shack (Jul 19, 1999)
- 5: Guru (Jul 19, 1999)
- 6: Jax (Jul 19, 1999)
- 7: The Duke of Dunstable (Jul 19, 1999)
- 8: Jax (Jul 19, 1999)
- 9: Jax (Jul 19, 1999)
- 10: Dizzy the Void (Jul 19, 1999)
- 11: The man in the shack (Jul 19, 1999)
- 12: Dizzy the Void (Jul 19, 1999)
- 13: The man in the shack (Jul 20, 1999)
- 14: Researcher 50128 (and Proud of it) (Jul 20, 1999)
- 15: The Duke of Dunstable (Jul 20, 1999)
- 16: Dizzy the Void (Jul 20, 1999)
- 17: The man in the shack (Jul 20, 1999)
- 18: Dizzy the Void (Jul 20, 1999)
- 19: Researcher 50128 (and Proud of it) (Jul 21, 1999)
- 20: The Duke of Dunstable (Jul 21, 1999)
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