A Conversation for TBWP - Pieces of the Witch

the blair witch

Post 1

Researcher 197985

I first started to get an Interest on the blair witch when the movie came out.
when at the end of the film it said 'based on a true story'
i was so amazed i had to find out more.I went to my near by library and found a book called 'the blair witch files' from cade merril.
the book is all about the storys and the people of bair and burkittsville.
it has storys about eileen treacle,frank 'red deer' Hunter,elly kedward and heather dunahue and her crew.
what is even more interesting about this book is that cade merril is actually heather's cousin and that is why he writes the books.
he has a wed site called 'www.theblairwitchfiles.com'
but i can't seem to get into the site.
if it would be possible would you be able to give me as much infomation as your aloud to give out on '[email protected]'

And i also believe elly kedward 'the blair witch' is killing and marking her victims in seven's.
she was sent into the woods by seven children and since then she has been doing things in seven's

have you also heard the story of the bleeding boy.
thank you

the blair witch

Post 2


Sorry to butt in on your conversation, but if Researcher 197985 would go back to there own page and then click on the "EDIT PAGE" button and then write a little something about your self then a ACE can come and welcome you there properly
Sorry for interrupting your conversation smiley - ok

Manda smiley - magic

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