A Conversation for Absolutely Plumb
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summerbayexile Started conversation May 20, 2006
.... however! I think Tendulkar was very lucky to get in instead of Dravid, Langer on current form should make way for Hussey as opener especially as Hussey stays around just as long. As for Chris Read..... is he there for humourous purposes? Maybe you just wanted to see him duck under a yorker again!! Still the funniest moment I've ever seen on a cricket pitch even if throwing his toys out of the pram in the first match of this season runs it close!! Jones is going to remain the man in possession and as the fastest England keeper to 100 dismissals along with 1,000 runs he continues to make a reasonable case. As you know from my team I chose Martin instead of Bond because he isn't a crock. Bond is never going to be fully fit again, sadly, and for that reason he would never make it into my team. It's the Rooney situation.
Anyway, well done, I'd certainly pay to watch that team, but only in Australia where they don't fleece the public like the bloody ECB!! Yet another thing the Aussies do better!!!
Good team
Skankyrich [?] Posted May 20, 2006
Hussey? Girl's name
Who would you rather watch, Tendulkar or Dravid? Come on, we're not talking a team that would bore the pants off everyone, but one that you would sell your house to go and watch (not that you'd need to; see below ). Forget form, injuries and damn statistics - I'd rather watch Tendulkar.
Jones? Good keeper, good batsman. My argument is that a keeper should be a great keeper regardless of his batting, which Read is. Would Warne make into the Aussie team even if he couldn't bat? Yes, because the best spinner in the world. Does Brian Lara need to prove he can take the odd wicket to get in the Windies team? No, because he's arguably the best batsman since Bradman. So why should wicketkeepers have to multitask, especially when most of their contribution comes from taking catches, making run outs and saving byes?
As far as I'm aware, the Rooney situation is that he's been picked for the squad anyway because he's far better than any alternative - is that what you meant?
Anyway, my team would play at my local cricket club, so entry would be free - not like those filthy Aussies, charging for everything
Good team
summerbayexile Posted May 21, 2006
Yes, but Caringbah Oval where Sutherland (NSW) play is better than any club ground I've seen here!! Even the free stuff is cheaper in Australia - its to do with the exchange rate!! Anyway when I can take two children to a county match, buy drinks and still have change for a fiver then we'll talk. Until then, the Aussies will always be able to teach the Brits about how to treat sports fans!!
Good team
Skankyrich [?] Posted May 21, 2006
'Even the free stuff is cheaper in Australia' Nice one!
I think the attitude of the English counties is that they don't really want your sort in there anyway - God forbid damn children making noise near the Members' seating Shame really; it would be so much better for the game if children got into County matches for nothing, but I suppose longsightedness doesn't come easily to the men in charge.
Thanks for reading and comenting by the way - I should have a pretty good article for the next issue, too
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