A Conversation for Websailor's Wacky Wildlife World

Absolutely wonderful as usual

Post 1


Oh WS - a most remarkable post this week and very very moving.

I well remember watching the television documentary on this a couple of years ago; and yes I'm sure I shed a tear and had a lump in my throat!

Can we expect to watch the migration process this Autumn? is there to be a web-cam?

I hope many many people read this issue, it is more than worth the time.

Scorpiosmiley - witch

Absolutely wonderful as usual

Post 2


Thanks Scorpiosmiley - witch There are podcasts and all sorts of things on the site, some of which I can't access smiley - wah but the Journal is up and running here:


and there are some photos of the new Class of 2006 there too. They are SO cute!! I do hope other people will take a look at the Whooping Cranes too. It is a real success story.

I spoke to Op. Mig and got them to smiley - ok the article before I posted it, and I spoke to them on the phone today. It seems they are pleased.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Absolutely wonderful as usual

Post 3


Great - so they should be!! The more people to read it may increase donations to the cause.

See you over there


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