Standing Rigging

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Standing Rigging

Most sailing objects have standing rigging. Depending on the size and sails of the vessel the rigging is more complicated.

The English Rose V1 with a main mast of 25m and a mizzen mast of 15m is not small.

The standing rigging prevents the masts from bending too much with the wind. While the yacht is not as wide as the ideal support would require, there is made use of some mechanics. This is where the spreaders come in, they are stiff, like the mast and hold the stays on suitable angles.

A force from the side applied to the top of the mast will be partly passed to the wind side top diagonal stay, the vertical component will give a compressing force down the mast. The stay gets a stretching force on it, passing this partly to the end of the spreader where it is attached and partly on the vertical stay below. The spreader will pass the compressing force partly as a stretching force to the vertical stays on the lee side of the mast and partly as a stretching force to the diagonal stay below.

Study the stays on 'What is the problem on English Rose V1?' and you can come to the conclusion the vertical main stay is stretched, while the fore and aft sprout stays are a little bend, dangling on the gravity and wind.

If I have found some more furniture I will be able to draw the arrows for the example directions. Anyone seen diagonals on transparant gifs? Please post.















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