complaint about bla rock

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Mark Ed Black, you (deleted)!
It really irritates me when you're trying to write about a rock-club in Norway without paying any respect for hard facts and/or rock history. Yo're telling peole some rubbish about the slogan "Stay Sick" has something to do with a student falling down from the fifth floor without dying, but still staying sick. Have you been smoking your own socks ? Stay Sick is, as you might as well have realised, the name of a record from the band the Cramps. Blue Rock has a lot of posters and stash from the band hanging all over the house; including a beautiful hand painted picture on the 3rd floor. Stay Sick is a kind of a tribute to this fantastic band, instead of using some lame, pathetic "Take care of each other"-slogan.
You also write that the conserts there are too expencive and costs from 150 to 250 NOK. That is, off course - amon all the other crap you write, totally (deleted). The most expensive concert tickets the club has ever sold, was for the American band Dead Moon. The price was 170 NOK.
I hate it when people are talking about things they obviously don't know anything about. Your (deleted) should be penetrated with a fresh pinapple on a drill. Stay away from our favourite place. Go to some stupid disco place and meet your friends.

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