A Conversation for The Forest

The skies of the forest

Post 1

BLT: Not dead - yet

*hails down on Wonko, and the lightning rod and bens it out of shape*

*cackles menacinly smiley - evilgrin

*lightning strikes*

The skies of the forest

Post 2


hmm how to deal with a cloud...

The skies of the forest

Post 3


The skies of the forest

Post 4


I know. *Sets up an air heater just under BLT to mess up the air flow*

The skies of the forest

Post 5


The skies of the forest

Post 6


*Shrugs. looks around to make sure there are no other were's in the vicinity. Pulls out a bag of fine silver dust that'll get blown around in the air. Gets a big fan points it straight up and blows the dust into the air*

The skies of the forest

Post 7

BLT: Not dead - yet

the hot air current, mixed with a cold front, cause BLt to float upwards, producing rain which dissolves the silver and lands on Wonko. Pity Pity Mr. Wonko, you really can't underestimate an opponent for too long in the guild, things go wrong

*lightning strikes the silver dust in the rain on Wonko*

The skies of the forest

Post 8


The skies of the forest

Post 9


The skies of the forest

Post 10

BLT: Not dead - yet

Wonko: I'm calling him Wonko to insult him

Khamsin: I know it's insoluble, but very fine dust will be taken into the rain water on its way down because its so small , so it is the same effect as dissolving, I thought calling it dissolving would save time in me explaining, but apparently not.

The skies of the forest

Post 11


The skies of the forest

Post 12


Oh no I'm getting rain mixed with silver on me oh the horror.
I'm not a were and I don't intend to drink the stuff.

The skies of the forest

Post 13


The skies of the forest

Post 14


The skies of the forest

Post 15


any silver would do damage.

The skies of the forest

Post 16


The skies of the forest

Post 17

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - yikes
james oh dear oh dear... not read the rules in a while have you...
ah silver it burns it burns smiley - run

The skies of the forest

Post 18

BLT: Not dead - yet

um.. the silver conducted the lightning smiley - erm duh...

The skies of the forest

Post 19

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

oh oh...

The skies of the forest

Post 20

BLT: Not dead - yet

he DID attempt to poison me, and the lightning MIGHT not kill, same thing happened with WIRO, I attempted to poison you and he killed me, quite swiftly too.

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