Tambourine Dream: a shot story.

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It was a morning made for a French movie. I didn't understand one damn bit of it, just bits and pieces that probably shouldn't have been seen, let alone interpreted as meaningful.

I ate slowly and didn't about the nutritional value. I read slowly and didn't care about the informational value. I dressed quickly and didn't care about the fashionable value. I went to work and discovered that nothing had been done before I got there and nothing would be appreciated after I arrived. I owned the place.

My office was inundated with sales reps, sales lit, and sales samples. I instructed my executive resistant with the job of doing his job, just as I had hired him for. His union rep was there to inform me that I had not hired my resistant properly, so there was no way he was going to perform his duties without some adjustment in his accomodations and pay. I also could not release him from this improper employment without cause, two weeks notice and compensation. I offered to hire the union rep in his place and both left, swearing to sic an lawyer or two on me.

The rubbish had not been emptied from the Dumpster because it had not been collected properly and sorted according to type. My building's car park was closed by order of the local nature council because it's rain runoff was not guided into a filtered catch basin of the proper size, color and thickness. The fire safety inspector for some strange reason had decided that the lighting in the offices and the work floor area was poorly chosen as to it's healthful and morale-boosting aspects. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I had a paper to that effect and he would return within the week to decide whether the business would remain open, all dependant, of course, upon the changes which I might or might not make in the mean time.

My seventy-nine-year-old father and chairman of the company board, had decided to take up golf for the first time in his life and the club membership, equipment costs and greens fees were being foisted upon the company coffers as a business expense. Since my accountant was one of his new golfing partners, this would prove to be interesting in the near future. The tax weasels were already examining our books and current accounts to find out how a dime ten years ago became a nickel today.

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