A Conversation for CAVE HQ
Calling all CAVEPEOPLE!!
Kleopatra Started conversation Dec 25, 2003
the character acid is to be killed ... how ever, contineity MUST be followed
We need your help!
Calling all CAVEPEOPLE!!
AK - fancy that! Posted Dec 25, 2003
You want random people to fight? I would think combators there should either be Assassins, or mercenarie4s whom we hired to help.
Calling all CAVEPEOPLE!!
Kleopatra Posted Dec 26, 2003
This is revenge for me. remember how Acid tried to kill me? I didn't forget. this isn't for anyone else
Calling all CAVEPEOPLE!!
AK - fancy that! Posted Dec 27, 2003
Well... I did forget...heh*feigns innocence*
Calling all CAVEPEOPLE!!
Kleopatra Posted Dec 28, 2003
*shakes fish angrily at AK*
Do it or I will fishslap you!
Calling all CAVEPEOPLE!!
AK - fancy that! Posted Dec 28, 2003
Do what?
I really don't remember.
And if you mean fighting in the thing I've been fighting there since before you probably even found that thread.
I was "there" when Acid originally turned, about 2 weeks ago!
I've been fighting non-stop for about 5 hours now on that thread, and just recently lost both my characters, but one is abotu to be resurrected adn the other... well, I dunno.
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Calling all CAVEPEOPLE!!
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