A Conversation for The Underguide - Good or Bad?

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 21


"the premise is that h2g2 has groups dedicated to fiction and the introduction of another group is un-needed and would have an adverse effect on the already running groups."

How did the introduction of your group have any less of an adverse effect than that of the UnderGuide?

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 22


in answer to your questions:

1. i disagree. there is a level of quantity that would be expected as a minimum, yet there can be no guide to what particular writing which are thoughts on certain things is quality. it is personal perspective, and cannot go through any particular writing guidelines to check quality.

2. don't know enough about the era at the time, mission statement of CAC at the time or anything to answer question, which was why i didn't.

spooksmiley - aliensmile

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 23


smiley - footprints

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 24


>"How did the introduction of your group have any less of an adverse effect than that of the UnderGuide?"

The Spaced Out Guide didn't use AWW at first, but instead promoted direct submissions and scouting of old Flea Market entries.

spooksmiley - aliensmile

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 25


"The Spaced Out Guide didn't use AWW at first, but instead promoted direct submissions and scouting of old Flea Market entries."

And this is more acceptable why?

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 26


"there is a level of quantity that would be expected as a minimum, yet there can be no guide to what particular writing which are thoughts on certain things is quality. it is personal perspective, and cannot go through any particular writing guidelines to check quality."

I don't understand. Are you saying that the UnderGuide should have some sort of quality guidelines? I think it already has that.

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 27


who mentioned acceptable? you asked why did it's introduction have a less adverse effect, and it didn't by not impending on the resource of entries in AWW which other groups were using. acceptable to who?

spooksmiley - aliensmile

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 28


if it has them, then point them out to me right now!

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 29


"you asked why did it's introduction have a less adverse effect, and it didn't by not impending on the resource of entries in AWW which other groups were using."

How does it impend "on the resource of entries in AWW which other groups were using"?

"acceptable to who?"

Since you are the only one seriously questioning the UnderGuide's right to exist, I think you would make a good case study.

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 30


>>Are you saying that the UnderGuide should have some sort of quality guidelines? I think it already has that

Very vague ones. I wrote up a few tips to get it selected, but they are vague and aren't guidelines.

smiley - blacksheep

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 31



"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 32


I did say that I "think" it already has them. It wasn't a fact.

How would you suggest we select quality entries?

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 33


i don't. i left the UG remember? maybe there would have been guidelines by now if i had stayed, but i didn't so there aren't. hence the critiscism. i'll leave it to you UG miners to create the guidelines, but the fact that there aren't guidelines is what proves the point.

spooksmiley - aliensmile

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 34


>"How does it impend "on the resource of entries in AWW which other groups were using"?"

you're using them aren't you?

>"Since you are the only one seriously questioning the UnderGuide's right to exist, I think you would make a good case study."

huh? what question are you trying to ask me?

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 35


There will never be quality guidelines because it's an issue of personal opinion.

Anyway, it's extremely hard to write guidelines for creative entries.

smiley - blacksheep

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 36


exactly, which is my point: someone can just write a bunch of thoughts down and it can get into the UG if a fwe people find what they've written interesting, even though it may not be of a very high quality!

spooksmiley - aliensmile

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 37


No, it couldn't. Five people need to approve it. Two miners, two editors and an italic. If it is approved by miners, it goes to the editors. The editors can reject an entry for quality. We have editorial power.

smiley - blacksheep

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 38


it is still only your opinions of quality. there is no standard that is followed for everything.

spooksmiley - aliensmile

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 39


It is not just mine. If I were to reject an entry, I'd ask for my co-editors opinion and probably ask the other miners.

You have the opportunity to voice your opinion in the AWW, spook. That's one of the checks and balances- telling the author what you think of the entry and we take it into consideration when approving or rejecting an entry.

It's not likely to happen though. I don't see anything approved that's less than excellent.

smiley - blacksheep

"Entries need no skill of writing or work to gain status, but can simply be written thoughts"

Post 40


"your opinons" refers to the 5 people, not just you, especially since you're leaving as eidtor anyway. the 's' in 'opinions' is meant to show that! smiley - winkeye

spooksmiley - aliensmile

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