All-New Researchers' Birthday Page (copy)

0 Conversations

This is a copy of
created on 18 August 2003



I would like to invite you all to the <LINK H2G2="F36731?thread=106514&amp;latest=1">Brand Spanking New Birthday Party</LINK><BR/><BR/>

<box><title>Changes to the page</title><text>
<ol><li>I added famous people's birthdays to the list. If you know any others, let me know (with years, please!!!), but I'm trying to only include current, first or really significant rulers. This is so that people don't get offended by me having hundreds listed for England and none for Uzbekistan (for example). I have included informational tooltips so that if you hover your mouse over the cell in the table (IE only, unfortunately) you can find out who they are. This, however, increased the size a lot, so</li>
<li>I separated the list into pages by month. The links to these pages are below. Because of this, the number of LINK tags was reduced so it was possible to</li>
<li>Leave the LINK tags empty, through which the names update as you change them</li></ol><BR/><BR/>
To have your name added to the list, just state your birthday in any of the conversations on this page or on the page with the appropriate month.
<center><LINK H2G2="A489387">January</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489404">February</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489413">March</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489422">April</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489431">May</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489440">June</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489459">July</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489468">August</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489477">September</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489495">October</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489512">November</LINK><BR/>
<LINK H2G2="A489521">December</LINK></center>


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