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I find this extremely disturbing

Post 61


'So do I. It's called London.'

That's what I thought, too. I just find the confusion of such a clearly Latin American fellow for either a Japanese or an 'asian' to be rather surprising.smiley - erm

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 62


<> (Zagreb)

<> (anhaga)

Have to agree with anhaga that the man did not look even remotely middle-eastern. He looked South American to me. And very obviously so (judging from the photos). Okay, he might have been Brazilian or Argentinian or even Peruvian, but middle-eastern? No. No way.


I find this extremely disturbing

Post 63

aka Bel - A87832164

>>Mr Menezes emerged on Friday morning from a house in Tulse Hill, south London, which was under surveillance because of a suspected link to last week's attempted bomb attacks. His clothing and behaviour added to the officers' suspicions, police said.<<

That's what strikes me most - they surely should have known by now who lived in that house ? And if you meant middle east then I have to say no, he didn't look at all as somebody from the middle east.

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 64


As a Londoner in the direct line of fire from these fanatics I definitely feel more secure with a hardline approach. I spoke to some police yesterday at an open air arts event. They told me how difficult it is for them. I trust them to do the best they can in these particular circumstances. I wouldn't want their job for anything.

It's about re-establishing an atmosphere of calm and belief that the authorities are doing something. Like I've said in my community people are all for it. People aren't stupid they know there is no prefect response to suicide bombers - we're in new territory here in London. Mistakes may happen.

It rather annoys me when people get unrealistically critical who aren't having to deal with the practical reality of getting through this thing. Despite one horrible cock up I feel a basic confidence in our decision makers, particularly as Ken Livingstone is also making a point of confirming his confidence.

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 65


Hey Az:

I just took another look at your picture in the gallery. Are you sure you aren't Yemeni rather than Canadian?smiley - winkeye

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 66

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Like i said if it wasnt for maniacs blowing themselfs up .The situation would never have come about in the first place

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 67

Trin Tragula

But should the police be looking solely for people of middle-eastern appearance in connexion to the London bombings? smiley - erm Strikes me that his appearance is neither here nor there. If the police excluded from suspicion everyone who didn't look like he (or she for that matter) was of middle-eastern extraction, they really *wouldn't* be doing their jobs.

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 68


Totally agree with you Boxing

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 69

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Yeah but its middle eastern looking people who are doing the bombings .I grant you they made a right cock up this time .

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 70

Trin Tragula

>>I wouldn't want their job for anything<<

Spot on.

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 71


<> (anhaga)


My advice to the London Police Department is that if they have been issued orders to shoot a member of a particular ethnic minority on sight that they get their ethnic groups straight - having dark hair and 'tanned looking skin' is hardly enough. Is it???

smiley - cross


I find this extremely disturbing

Post 72


'As a Londoner in the direct line of fire from these fanatics I definitely feel more secure with a hardline approach. I spoke to some police yesterday at an open air arts event. They told me how difficult it is for them. I trust them to do the best they can in these particular circumstances. I wouldn't want their job for anything. '

Although some of my posts may make it seem that I think otherwise, I agree completely, Redpecketc. As Ive mentioned a few times, we don't have more than a hint of what was going on. I also wouldn't want their job and I have utmost respect for the police where I live and great sympathy for them both for the difficult decisions they have to make and for the utter crap they take from so many of the people they are trying to help.

That having been said, I'm still very disturbed by what happened and I look forward to the results of the investigation.

I also have great sympathy for Mr. Menezes and his family as well. Having had some little experience of Latin American police officers myself, I wouldn't swear that Mr. Menezes wasn't acting absolutely rationally when he decided to run, having forgotten for a moment that he wasn't at home.

I remember a number of years ago the city Police Service here started an active campaign with school kids to let them know that the police are friends. The campaign, while being addressed to all kids, was spurred by the fact that many of the children had come as refugees from places where the police were certainly not friends. There is also an ongoing campaign on the national children's television network with pretty much the same focus.

Sorry for the ramble. I just find the whole incident to be crappy in the extreme for all sides.smiley - sadface

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 73

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

>>>>My advice to the London Police Department is that if they have been issued orders to shoot a member of a particular ethnic minority on sight that they get<<<<

What do you mean given orders??

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 74

Sho - employed again!

While we're all criticising the police, and the British, for not identifying Asian from Brazilian - is it clear that anyone mistook him for someone from the middle east?

I am pretty sure that most people in the UK could actually tell Middle Eastern from Brazilian, even if they can't identify someone from Pakistan from someone from Afghanistan.

It's totally ghastly. But I have to say that I back the police. They make mistakes, they are human. Let's hope they don't make the mistake of letting a bomber run free just because they are worrying about the criticism they are getting here.

This sort of thing, more than anything, is what should be driving us to find the solution and give us world peace.

smiley - rainbow

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 75

aka Bel - A87832164

Sho, I totally agree with you, it's horrible that they killed an innocent man, but they didn't know that then, did they ? With all of what has recently happened, it's understandable that they made this mistake - although I'm not sure I would say so if it had been one of my friends or relatives they shot. smiley - erm

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 76


'is it clear that anyone mistook him for someone from the middle east?'

You mean, apart from Zagreb?smiley - winkeye

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 77

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, that was what the media reported, no idea who told them, though smiley - erm

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 78


thanks Anhaga for your totally reasonable reply

I do feel a little protective of our police at present cos they have been attacked, often with good cause, in recent years. What I like so much is that in my area of London there are now so many black and ethnic officers. Community relations with the police have improved no end in the past couple of years.

I feel very strongly that in the present climate we try really hard to not let so much good work get ruinned by these bombers. so long as things are brought out into the open and mistakes are admitted I hope we can get through this.

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 79

Sho - employed again!

B'Elana, I'm quite sure that if I was related to this poor guy in any way, I would be demanding all sorts of inquiries and expecting heads to roll.

I hate that we have to live like this right now.

I find this extremely disturbing

Post 80



I said something similar earlier, anhaga. Learned behaviour when one is young is not always something you can control when you are older, even if you are supposedly living somewhere 'safe'.

It seems that Mr Menezes 'crime' was that he happened to live in a building that was under police surveillance. I feel so sorry for him and his family.


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