Interactive British History Milestones Poem - wip

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Mostly Ghostly Forbears

Hear this my story of proud survivors,

A clan with a flair for flouting the odds,

Their line a charm-bound arrow fleeting down

The years to where we meet them first, climbing

With sturdy legs and hearts up the Eurasian

Ladder to pastures ever green and fair.

Skilled at hunting wealth and gathering lands

With a will of iron they forged ahead,

See them now clad in draughty togas whilst
Elephants of Rome ford the River Colne,

When Boudicca cried the Iceni to her

Side our heroes ran the other way via

A course so wondrously straight that Roman
Makers of roads downed their rods and wept, and

So by the Tyne they set up camp and there

A fortune made from lucrative trade

In pilfered rocks from Hadrian’s Wall, their

Lives and daughters they bought from Saxons and
Jutes but had the last laugh with Saxon swords

Hired and sent to recoup every loss and

More, so prospered they ten score years until

One kinsman came ambling by a sword in

A stone and discreetly left well alone,

In similar vein descendants of his

In Ten Sixty-Six chose the better part

Of valour and ditched the woad in favour

Of a quick sidestep to le style franglais,

Thus by the mid Eleven Hundreds they had

The perfect phrase to hand when they cried

“Mon Dieu!” and cantered very far away

From priests of the turbulent kind, on and

On they rode till at last they came to the
Holy Land where they stayed and played a night

Or two before coming crusading home.

Strutting and swaggering and pulling rank

By the banks of the Runnymede we

See them next and then here they are again

Chipping in with the friars, a son here

Or there easily spared and worth a prayer.

They went with the flow up Bannockburn way,
Paid the piper’s dues when Black Death scythed and

Supped on wine and frogs legs at Agincourt.

They blossomed heedless of hell on earth at
Towton village and bloody Bosworth Field,

And then for a secret service rendered they

Swung invites to play sevens with Henry

And thence to capers with the Virgin Queen.

Keeping civil tongues they kept their heads and

Flourished whilst Cromwell levelled and skirmished,

From there it was a sweet downhill coast to

Sucking oranges with William and Mary,

One way or another they even contrived to

Surface safely with flotsam and jetsam

In the wake of the South Sea Bubble,

And so we come to recent times and not

Much to mention, a little sport with nought

But an upstart called Bonaparte to while

Away tranquil days of easy nobility.
A beautiful garden in Pennsylvania.

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