How not to catch bate

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-->How about breaking fish lines and digestable hooks?

This is something I would rather not think about, but thinking about it can help the birds.

The albatros is used to catch by picking prey from behind. The prey will not see them this way so there is greater chance of a catch.

The albatros will struggle for his life at first trying to fly off then just swimming , as the line pulls them down they wil in reflex try to fly away even underwater.

If the line breaks on this moment the albatross can survive. The forces the line can have should just exceed the forces a fish can apply?

Nigel Brothers, is an albatross adventurer.
John Bennett, a New Zealand fisher.
Came with bird ribbons to scare birds off when setting the long lines.
Also a device to get the lines down under water behind the wake was an idea.

Nigel Brothers tryed to convince japanese fish producers to use such measures but finally got the attention of the Birdlife organisation.

Nigel Brothers says he found up to three hooks in drowned birds. He also says the fisherman are collecting the rings they find on the birds in big drawers....

Reading about longline fishing I get the impression they use chunks of fish as bate. Is it possible to make the top side dark ( a black blade or vane also pulling the line to the desired depth )
This will also make it possible to fish on a certain depth. Using the angle of the vane and the speed of the trawler fishers can control this depth. Perhaps this vane can also help prevent the birds to swallow the bate ( still cruel, only flesh wounds in the beak ). How do the fish swallow the bate?

--->Idea throw in a tiger shark dummy, tow it above the fishing line.
Use an inflatable beach toy tiger shark.
The shark could scare sea turtles, and perhaps birds.
Make bottom side heavy by cupper pipes strapped together by fence wire. This could mitigate other sharks as it will produce current.

Our communication efforts should aim at the fisherman self to encourage the use of mitigation methods.
The fishermen seem to origin from all over the world.

We have to persuade gouvernments to sign the treaty at least to make it illegal not to use the scary and hiding methods to protect the bycatch. This should be done by making the population aware of the prospective extinctions.
Non signing counties are China, Korea, Mexico, Russia, and Taiwan.

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